With advocacy season upon us, DCAYA is rallying a coalition of community partners and parents to promote increased
funding for and greater access to quality community and neighborhood-based
afterschool and summer learning opportunities for the District’s children and
youth. Please check back here for more resources to get involved!
The time has come to
step up our efforts. As other states and localities increasingly see
funding for afterschool and summer learning as a major policy goal, funding in
the District has actually followed a downward trend in recent years. This means
still fewer program spots for the growing number of kids who need them most.
This year, through our collective efforts we intend to reverse these troubling
trends in 2017 and beyond by ensuring full access to quality
afterschool and summer learning opportunities for DC’s students with the greatest
needs - it's time to #ExpandLearningDC!
To do this, we plan to
inform the council, the mayor and other agency leaders about the positive
impact expanded learning and youth development programs have on children by highlighting the successes of quality programs right here in the District, and
to seek a stable, multi-year funding stream beginning with at least $10 million
over the next year for quality afterschool and summer learning opportunities.